MEDS for Biblical Scholars
Rev. Joanne Rodríguez talks to Dr. Ahida (Calderón) Pilarski about Meditation, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep—the four foundational pillars for wellness and personal development
In this episode of OP Talks, Rev. Joanne Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI), speaks to Dr. Ahida (Calderón) Pilarski, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew Bible at Saint Anselm College, discuss MEDS–Meditation, Exercise, Diet, & Sleep. The acronym was coined by personal-development coach and New York Times bestselling author Brendon Burchard.
Dr. Pilarski’s research focuses on the intersection of culture and gender in biblical interpretation, especially in Latina and Mujerista Biblical Hermeneutics. MEDS became a helpful tool for Dr. Pilarski as she began prioritizing her health amidst all her commitments and scholarly service to empower Latine (and Latina) communities. Creating a work-life balance has been essential to upholding her mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Implementing habits that fall under each of the categories for MEDS has improved Dr. Pilarski’s quality of life tremendously, allowing her to have the energy and joy she needs in order to continue her vital work.
This conversation illustrates a holistic approach to personal health and development through a Christian biblical lens: In order to love God and your neighbor, Dr. Pilarski asserts, “you need to love yourself first.”